Play It Again® with your Lotto America ticket for a chance to win up to $20,000 cash in the Lotto America Promotion.
This promotion has ended. Winners will be announced when available.
Lotto America is just a dollar a play - then Play It Again for up to $20,000 cash!
When you enter eligible Iowa Lotto America tickets before 10 a.m. March 29, you'll automatically receive an entry for a cash
prize from $1,000 up to $20,000. Iowa Lotto America tickets purchased on or after March 1, 2022 are eligible for this promotion. There
will be one drawing on March 31 for all 33 winners. One ticket equals one entry, no matter how many plays are on the ticket.
See the chart below for details.
Drawing Schedule
Entry Period |
Entry Ticket* |
Prizes |
No. of Winners |
Drawing Date |
10 a.m. March 7 thru 9:59 a.m. March 29 |
$1 or more Iowa Lotto America ticket |
$20,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 |
1 2 5 10 15 |
March 31 |
* $1 or more Iowa Lotto America tickets purchased on or after March 1, 2022 are eligible for this promotion.
How To Play It Again for up to $20,000 Cash
1. JOIN THE FREE VIP CLUB, if you're not already a member. You must be a member to enter this promotion.
2. THE EASIEST WAY TO ENTER IS TO DOWNLOAD THE APP. You can download the LotteryPlus app at Google
Play Store or Apple App Store.
3. SCAN LOTTO AMERICA TICKETS. Using the app, log into your VIP Club account, choose the "Enter Drawings" tab, then
the "Lotto America" button. Scan one of the square bar codes on the bottom of the ticket and then the "Submit" button.
4. OR, YOU CAN MANUALLY ENTER the Lotto America ticket number in the promotion at ialottery.com. Choose the "Enter Here" button
above, log in to your VIP Club account then enter your Ticket Number.
- $1 or more Iowa Lotto America tickets purchased on or after March 1, 2022, are eligible for entry into this promotion.
One ticket equals one entry, no matter how many plays are on the ticket.
- Entry begins at 10 a.m. on March 7, 2022 and ends at 9:59 a.m. on March 29, 2022.
- You can enter an eligible ticket only once.
- You can enter multiple tickets in the drawing, but you can only win one cash prize.
- You must be at least 21 years old to purchase Iowa Lottery tickets and win a prize in this promotion.
Check the Results page after the March 31 drawing to see who won.
Questions? See our Lotto America Play It Again FAQs.
View the Lotto America Play It Again Promotion Rules PDF for more information.
NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF documents.
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